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Mastering Blogging: The Complete Guide to Adding Your Posts to Our Blog

On our new website, all the writers will be able to make blog posts from anywhere. In this one, we will explain how to do this.

First step

First, you have to sign up to the website.

This is an easy first step. All you have to do is click the Staff Log In button in the top right corner. This will allow you to sign up or log in with an existing account.

Before you are a member

Please make sure to sign up with your university email. Otherwise, our team would not be able to confirm your role and your request will be declined.

After you request to sign up, our Social Media team will review and confirm your status. As soon as the decision is made, you will be automatically notified by email.

Your first sign-in

To access the website as a member for the first time, simply click the link provided in the confirmation email.

When you log in for the first time, you will notice some new notifications.

These mean that you were assigned Badges. We introduced this to quickly distinguish between different team members. You can have several badges (for example, if you are a member of several teams).

When you first sign in, you can also change the displayed name and your profile picture. This is not compulsory, yet your displayed name will remain as your student email if you do not change it.

If you are a writer, you will also be assigned a COllaborator role. This will allow you to publish your own posts.

Publishing posts

After our team confirms your role as a writer, you will be able to publish your own posts.

First, before publishing anything, make sure that you check in with both the Editors and the Social Media teams. This can be done via MS Teams.

When you are ready to publish, there are two ways to do this.

The first way is through Simply log in with the email and password you provided when signing up to our website. From here, you can click Create New Post to start writing, adding images and formatting your post.

Another way is to publish straight from the website. To do this, simply log in to the website and click the three dot icon in the Blog page.



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